Unaired Dave Chappelle Stand-up Clips for Chappelle’s Show (Video)

Chappelle’s Show remains one of the funniest television shows in the recent era. It burned bright and fast, with a mere 28 regular episodes, and five specials, before Chappelle took off for Africa.

That tends to make any Chappelle’s Show “lost” material that much more important and valuable to fans. Kind of like how practically everything ever recorded by Jimi Hendrix has found its way to the public. Usually the best stuff has already seen the light of day, but sometimes there are hidden gems. This compilation of unaired Dave Chappelle stand-up bits seems to fit that bill.

Dave Chappelle Unaired Stand-Up Shows Him Writing From Stage

One of the reasons this video is worth the watch is that Chappelle is a comedian known for writing from the stage. He’s comfortable riffing and working with the crowd, at least when they are with him, as these crowds certainly were, so much so that Chappelle’s hasty exist seems unpredictable.

What lies ahead for Dave Chappelle no one knows; maybe not even the man himself. It’s certainly hard to imagine him returning to television in this style again, however, and that’s why fans will continue to watch old Chappelle’s Show reruns and lost bits like this, in remembrance of the good old days.

He’s animated in these clips, playful and seems contented. That seems particularly notable because in many of these moments it seems he was aware they were going to air. He’s setting up clips and has prepared material coming, but he’s having fun first. Hopefully these days can return for Chappelle.

(Photo Credits: http://www.flickr.com/photos/howardkang)

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