Bukowski Animated Interview: the Gift of a Crappy Life, Quitting the Post Office & Writing the Next Line

charles bukowski animated video

A still from the video “Charles Bukowski. Uncensored.”

Quoted, the content studio behind the PBS animated interview series Blank on Blank, has released a new video, this time for HarperCollins.

Charles Bukowski is animated from audio captured in 1993, a year before his death, during a recording session for the “best of” anthology collection ‘Run With The Hunted: A Charles Bukowski Reader.’

It’s an intimate, off the cuff conversation with the producer, with Bukowski’s wife Linda listening in.

It’s primarily Bukowski who does the talking.

He puts an interesting spin on misfortune, as he so often did in his writing, which could prove inspiring to those struggling in life, with aspirations of greater accomplishments:

I was blessed with a crappy life, that’s all. A crappy life to write about. A lot of writers, they get famous when they’re 22, 23, and then they’re in the literary world: they’re going to cocktail parties, and nothing’s happening but that. So they miss out on the manure pile.

It took Bukowski years to becomes a successful writer. He spent much of his life bumming around the country, working menial jobs, mostly in factories, living in cheap rooming houses.

He talks of quitting the post office at 50, to become a writer full-time, which, as much as he hated his job, took some bravery:

As I was leaving the last night, a guy said, “That old man’s gotta be crazy, quitting a good job like this.”

I walked out of that building, and I thought, “Jesus, maybe they’re right.” But I didn’t give a damn, I was ready to go down to Skid Row. I was tired of it all.

But at this point in his life, all he had to worry about was the next line.

This audio outtake was first officially released in 2000, on Charles Bukowski Uncensored CD: From the Run With the Hunted Session.

Watch “Charles Bukowski. Uncensored” Animated Video 

No word on whether or not more audio from this release will get the animation treatment.We hope it does.

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