Bukowski Animated Interview: the Gift of a Crappy Life, Quitting the Post Office & Writing the Next Line

Bukowski Animated Video

Quoted, the content studio behind the PBS animated interview series Blank on Blank, has released a new video, this time for HarperCollins. Charles Bukowski is animated from audio captured in 1993, a year before his death, during a recording session for the “best of” anthology collection ‘Run With The Hunted: A… Continue reading

Five Awkward Yet Awesome Henry Rollins Interviews (Videos)

henry rollins interviews

Henry Rollins doesn’t suffer fools well. Actually, he doesn’t suffer them at all. So much so that sometimes he seems to go on the offensive and cross over into dickishness. Yet, even then, you get the sense that he is at least in part right, and is making a broader,… Continue reading